Most churches aim for digital ministries but settle for a church service online.


Is your church merely online or digitally missional?

Most churches aim for digital ministries but settle for online services.

Is your church merely online or
missionally digital?


Today’s Ministry Paradigm

This 4-part framework can transform your church from being purely digital to truly missional.

Is your online church leading people to true life-change? 


Today's Ministry Paradigm


This 4-part framework can transform your church from being purely digital to truly missional.

Is your online church leading people to true life-change? 


From Alan George

“Doing ministry online can often feel like starting from scratch. That’s how I felt when I took on the role as the Church Online Pastor at Life.Church.

We had more questions than answers. We didn’t have endless resources, we didn’t have access to everything we wanted, and we didn’t get everything we asked for. In fact, there were many times people questioned whether online ministry needed to exist.

But in the midst of all of our questions, God showed up. We saw people from all over the world give their lives to Jesus. If God can do anything, then why can’t He use both local church buildings and gatherings—coupled with digital screens and devices—to spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission? The truth is, He can and He will. It’s up to you and me to decide if we will receive God’s promise or question His provision.

I am passionate about partnering with Pastors and Church Leaders to help shape both online and in–person ministry, because leveraging technology is not just an opportunity for us as the church, it’s our responsibility!”

From Alan George

“Doing ministry online can often feel like starting from scratch. That’s how I felt when I took on the role as the Church Online Pastor at Life.Church.

We had more questions than answers. We didn’t have endless resources, we didn’t have access to everything we wanted, and we didn’t get everything we asked for. In fact, there were many times people questioned whether online ministry needed to exist.

But in the midst of all of our questions, God showed up. We saw people from all over the world give their lives to Jesus. We saw people being set free from addictions and finding healing and freedom in Christ. We saw families restored and communities transformed. And the story is not done!

If God can do anything, then why can’t He use both local church buildings and gatherings—coupled with digital screens and devices—to spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission?

The truth is, He can. And He will. It’s up to you and me to decide if we will receive God’s promise or question His provision.”

About Alan George


“Doing ministry online can often feel like starting from scratch. That’s how I felt when I took on the role as the Church Online Pastor at Life.Church.

We had more questions than answers. We didn’t have endless resources, we didn’t have access to everything we wanted, and we didn’t get everything we asked for. In fact, there were many times people questioned whether online ministry needed to exist.

But in the midst of all of our questions, God showed up. We saw people from all over the world give their lives to Jesus. We saw people being set free from addictions and finding healing and freedom in Christ. We saw families restored and communities transformed. And the story is not done!

If God can do anything, then why can’t He use both local church buildings and gatherings—coupled with digital screens and devices—to spread the Gospel and fulfill the Great Commission?

The truth is, He can. And He will. It’s up to you and me to decide if we will receive God’s promise or question His provision.”


Keep your focus on reaching people, not mastering marketing techniques. Just because it’s digital doesn’t mean it can’t be human.

– Alan George, from Discipleship for a Digital Age







As a Pastor and having been involved in Digital Ministry for years, I understand the challenges that come with adapting to the fast-paced world of technology. That's why I've designed this Masterclass specifically for pastors and church leaders who are ready to take their ministry to the next level.

Through this Masterclass, you and your team will learn practical strategies for creating engaging online content, building online communities, and effectively using social media to reach people where they are. I'll share with you the lessons I've learned as well as valuable insights and resources to help you transform your ministry for the 21st century.

But this Masterclass isn't just about technology. It's about fulfilling our responsibility as a Church to make disciples of all nations, just as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28. We believe that leveraging technology to reach people is not just an opportunity, but a responsibility.

So if you're ready to embrace the power of technology and make a difference in your community and beyond, I invite you to join me for "Online As It Is In Heaven."


Digital Ministry Audit



In the fast-evolving landscape of digital ministry, it's crucial to have a fresh perspective to assess your progress in pivotal areas.

WHAT YOU GET:Β Access an Extensive Evaluation Covering:

Church Online Services: Comprehensive feedback on the effectiveness, engagement, and impact of your online services, ensuring they resonate powerfully with your people.Β 

Social Media Presence: A thorough analysis of your social media strategy, content, and engagement, aimed at maximizing your church's reach and connection with the community.

Email Marketing Strategy: Detailed insights into your email campaigns, ensuring they effectively convey your message and engage your audience.

Volunteerism Evaluation: A review of volunteer engagement strategies, identifying opportunities to strengthen involvement and commitment within your church community.

...and more!

Don't Miss This Opportunity to Elevate Your Digital Ministry!


Fractional Executive Leader/Pastor



Unlock Your Church's Potential

In today's digital world, your church's impact can transcend physical boundaries. Crafting aΒ strategy that includes both your in-person and online communityΒ is essential.

As a Fractional Executive Leader/Pastor specializing in strategic leadershipΒ to your team, here's an example of what I can bring:Β Β 

Strategic Direction:Β Elevate your church's in-person and online presence for greater community impact and engagement.

Leadership Mentoring: Personalized coaching for senior team leaders, tailored to unlock their leadership potential.

OperationalΒ Evaluations: Identify and enhance crucial areas within your church's operations for improved effectiveness.

Customized Roadmap:Β Partner with the team to craft a roadmap for sustained growth, equipping your team to execute with confidence.

... and so much more. So let's get started. I'd love the opportunity to partner with you and your team. Reach out for a conversation and let's talk about how we can live out the calling and purpose God has for your church or organization.


One-on-One Coaching



Scaling your ministry is not a one-time or one-person task! I would love the opportunity to serve you and your team and work with your church to help you level up in all these areas and more:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Team Culture
  • Leadership Development
  • Volunteerism
  • On-stage and online communication 

The opportunity to learn from my experience with digital ministry through weekly meetings, 1:1 sessions, and in-person visits with you and your team. 


We will do anything short of sin to reach people who don’t know Christ. To reach people no one is reaching, we’ll have to do things no one is doing.


It’s time to flip your church's
digital ministry script.

It’s time to flip church's
digital ministry script.


In “Discipleship for a Digital Age”, I share practical insights from a decade of experience as the Online Pastor at Life.Church to help you:

1. Challenge existing ideas about digital ministry
2. Change up your vision for the global church today
3. Craft a powerful and personalized church experience



In “Discipleship for a Digital Age”, Alan shares practical insights from a decade of experience as the Online Pastor at Life.Church to help you:

1. Challenge existing ideas about digital ministry
2. Change up your vision for the global church today
3. Craft a powerful and personalized church experience


Connect with Alan

As a leader, your challenges, like your church, are unique.
But, you don’t have to walk this journey alone!

Alan is passionate about coming alongside and sharing
his learnings and experiences in digital ministry to help
you navigate your ministry journey and chart the course

If you have questions or need a sounding board to talk
through ideas you have for your church, Alan would love
to connect.


Connect with Alan

As a leader, your challenges, like your church, are unique. But, you don’t have to walk this journey alone!

Alan is passionate about coming alongside and sharing his learnings from 20+ years in ministry to help you navigate your church’s journey and chart the course ahead.

If you have questions or need a sounding board to talk through ideas you have for your church, Alan would love to connect.


Connect with Alan


As a leader, your challenges, like your church, are unique. But, you don't have to walk this journey alone!

I am passionate about coming alongside you and your team and sharing my learnings and experiences in digital ministry, to help you navigate your ministry journey and chart the course ahead.

If you have questions or need a sounding board to talk through ideas you have for your church, I would love to connect.


Stay Connected


© Alan George 2024



© Alan George 2024


  [email protected]   www.alanvgeorge.com


© Alan George 2022


  [email protected]